Smart solutions to help you deliver high-quality Public transit
All the hardware, software and services you need, in one place, to help you enhance the performance of your transit services, plus a complete fleet management suite.
+17 years
Working for transit Agencies for their Tailored needs.
Dispatchers, schedulers and fleet managers using our platform.
+10 Million
Passenger trips annually.
Transit vehicles tracked daily.
Route planning
Easily plan your transit service, from vision to implementation
Dispatch Assistant
Streamline your dispatch operations with our mobile app, limiting Ghost buses.
Live Operations
We make it easy for your team to understand what vehicles need attention to help your service perform at its best.
Live Ladder View
Allow dispatchers to quickly visualize routes running early and late, and make proper changes in real-time.
Sonar Transit App
Avoid late or early trips, maintaining drivers informed about trip schedules.
Automated Passenger Counters (APC)
Easily record on the cloud, when and where riders are using your service.
Georeferenced Passengers
Easily record when and where riders are using your service.
Stops boardings
Analize data in real-time to support final decisions.
Routes Performance
Root your transit schedules in historical data, investigate the granular detail of any given trip and date.
Dispatch Viewer
Maximize efficiency and maintain a top quality service between your routes.
Generate detailed datasets of ridership, routes, driver behaviors and more.
Real-time Transit Location
Keep riders updated with reliable real-time travel information.
Real-time Transit Alerts
Notify riders of service disruption, detours, and other pertinent information.
Onboard WiFi
Keep riders engaged, providing free Wifi on your transit network.